Leaving a legacy in your will for Safe Rescue for Dogs

Wills and Bequests

Safe Rescue for Dogs is a registered charity and relies upon your goodwill and support to survive. Your donations (particularly regular ones) allow us to help dogs in the UK and abroad. As welcome and necessary as these funds are, we need larger sums if we are going to embark upon neutering projects and to help with longer term planning. This is where a Legacy in your Will could make a tremendous difference to us and the dogs we care for.

Please consider leaving a bequest to help our work at Safe Rescue. We would be very grateful for any amount.

If you would like to leave Safe Rescue a set amount, please ask your solicitor to add this paragraph to your Will. Please insert the amount you wish to leave Safe Rescue after ‘the sum of’.

I give to Safe Rescue for Dogs Ltd at Hill House, Norwich Road, Marsham, Norfolk, NR10 5PQ, registered charity number in England and Wales (1179370), the sum of £…(free of all taxes) for its charitable purposes, and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or authorised officer will be sufficient discharge to my executor/s.

If you feel able to gift Safe Rescue the balance of your estate, please ask your solicitor to add this paragraph to your Will.

I give my residuary estate to Safe Rescue for Dogs Ltd at Hill House, Norwich Road, Marsham, Norfolk NR10 5PQ, registered charity number in England and Wales (1179370), for its charitable purposes, and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or authorised officer will be sufficient discharge to my executors.

Thank you.

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